1. Access To the Facility – This job placement facility is specifically intended to assist government and related state agencies including regulators of Caribbean countries that are considering or advancing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects when resource constrained to be able to find suitably qualified candidates to fill required roles from the larger Caribbean resource pool. It will initially focus on engineering and legal resources but over time may expand to other skill sets. It will be open to government and related state entities and regulators seeking to fill critical roles and open to engineering and legal professional associations within Caribbean countries whose members can fill those roles.
  2. Confidentiality – Any information posted on this online facility by entities seeking to fill certain positions and those responding to requests will be kept confidential within the Caribbean Energy Chamber (CEC). Similarly, it is expected that entities seeking to fill positions and those responding to the requests will keep each other’s information confidential.
  3. Role of the CEC – CEC is fulfilling a facilitative role in providing this online mechanism to enable a more efficient interaction between entities seeking to fill certain positions and professional associations members which can fill those positions. CEC will provide an initial screening of any posted job requests to assure that there is sufficient detail to enable the professional associations to effectively source potential candidates from their membership. CEC bears no responsibility for any of the outcomes in selecting or not selecting candidates.
  4. Costs – There will be no costs to the requesting entities for this service. There will be an annual charge to the professional associations which would cover CEC’s costs of administering the on-line facility.