International Business Conference in Guyana

The Guyana Office for Investment and co-host Suriname-Guyana Chamber of Commerce and Guyana Manufacturing Service Association invited CEC to moderate a panel in October at the International Business Conference.

Guyana’s recent oil boom has created substantial revenue streams presenting great opportunities for a thriving energy sector looking to reduce reliance on imported energy, stabilize the national grid, extend reliable access to energy and lower electricity costs industry and consumers. Through infrastructure upgrades, grid expansions and the diversification of its energy mix with investments in hydro, natural gas, solar, wind, and biomass technologies, the country is looking to provide sustainable, consistent and affordable energy supply, enhancing economic competitiveness and fostering growth. This panel welcomed presentations on different projects and technologies being developed under this low-carbon growth strategy, sharing their challenges, opportunities and contributions to the country ́s national energy strategies and its fossil fuel dynamic. Eugene moderated the panel with:

  • Mr. Michael Munroe, Senior Legal Officer, Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Mr. Phillip Rietema, Vice President, and Business Services Manager, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited
  • Mr. Rafael Fumis, Country Manager, Guyana, MODEC
  • Mr. Érik Cunha, Chief Commercial Officer, OceanPact

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