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Welcome to the CEC Job Posting

This job posting page is for use by Caribbean government/state agencies not for private sector entities. To post a job please follow the steps below. Initially, this job search service is for engineering and legal resources but will be expanded to other professionals in due course. There will be a notification when this is available. Note that if your request is for a service, please send your request to

Step 1

Complete the registration form. You will receive feedback that your registration has been completed.

Step 2

You will receive an email notification that you have been registered as a user and to create a password.

Step 3

Sign in using your user ID and the password you created and enter the information for your job posting. The job information submitted will be reviewed for sufficiency, and you will be advised if any further information is required. On approval, the job will be available on our job listing page. Members interested will submit their applications for your review.

Employer Registration

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